The Quantum Power of Gratitude 5 Day Retreat with Melanie Spears ~ Realign to your true life path using the power of Gratitude. Saturday 17th to Thursday 22nd August 2024 in Byron Bay, Australia!

The Giving Thanks Story

How it all began

BY Melanie Spears

Author of the Gratitude Diary

I wasn’t born a saint!

In fact, for most of my thirties, I went down too many rabbit holes searching for a sense of direction. Something I could succeed at. It all went nowhere and striving every day with no result did nothing for my adrenal system. Eventually, chronic fatigue became my daily companion.

Suffice to say, during this time of my life, I did not understand the importance or value of Giving Thanks.

I was too busy.

Then one morning something changed.

Then one morning, something changed…

I was sitting on my verandah and noticed how incredibly blue the ocean was. I allowed myself perhaps a minute to stare at the sea. I gave silent thanks just for that moment.

As if on cue, a whale breached from the water and did a backflip!

I felt the whale did it just for me.

I gave thanks for another spectacular moment.

Shortly afterwards, the whale did it again…

For the rest of the day, I continued to give thanks for every moment I was fully present for.

So, this is where the journey began – a joyous whale taught me about Gratitude!

My world was going to get better.

For the first time in months my stress levels went down.

I became PRESENT to the Power of Now. I felt safe and at peace.

My negative thinking no longer had a hold on me. Wisdom showed me that if I just kept up the process of giving thanks, my world was going to get better.

And it did!

Along came the Gratitude Diary

In order to pay the rent I invited Doug to lease one of the rooms in my home.

One day he said to me ‘What is it that you do every day on the verandah? What are you writing about? You seem very focused.’
I replied ‘ I am processing through journaling what I am GREATIFUL for.’
He said to me ‘Wow, that is amazing but those books look very heavy. Why don’t you let me design you something specific for your Gratitude practice?’
And I said ‘Sure why not.’

So we played … 3 months later we had our first GRATITUDE DIARY in 2009! I printed 500 copies with a credit card, threw them in a basket and hit the markets.
The rest is history…


About Melanie Spears, Creator of the Gratitude Diary

Melanie Spears, the creator of the Gratitude Diary from Byron Bay, Australia.

The Gratitude Diary was conceived in 2009 and Melanie thought it was just going to be a hobby. Unexpectedly, it has become a Best Seller of 16,000 readers and growing with stockists in Australia, New Zealand, UK and this year into North America and Europe.

Melanie’s sharing of knowledge has surpassed even her own expectations of what is possible in the realms of emotional healing.An incredible healer with a big passion and desire for helping you!

There are varieties of Gratitude Diaries in the marketplace…However none have the personal stories of breakthrough, resilience and transformation this beauty holds – Plus SO much more 🧡

Melanie Spears Behind Tree



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