The Quantum Power of Gratitude 5 Day Retreat with Melanie Spears ~ Realign to your true life path using the power of Gratitude. Saturday 17th to Thursday 22nd August 2024 in Byron Bay, Australia!

Free 4-Day Key-Master Class Series

Unlock Your Soul’s Potential

Three simple golden tools to embrace spiritual and emotional transformation, playfully decrease stress and manifest abundance for creative souls!

Facilitated by

Melanie Spears, Author of the Gratitude Diary


On Demand Event Starts Today


Join me each day at 9am (your local time) for this course

Facilitated by

Melanie Spears, Author of the Gratitude Diary

With Your Gratitude Master Key
practice you will:

Experience a tangible soul activation in your physical body.

Calm your mind to break the pattern of anxiety, stress, fear & worry.

Discover 3 soulful tools to active emotional flow states. Use these tools in the ongoing journey of your soul’s progression.

Every soul has a divine blueprint that can be activated.

This gift is inherently free.

4 Jam-Packed Lessons

In this FREE Master-Key Class Series, you will access 4 Jam-Packed Lessons so you can unlock the TRUTH of your soul’s potential to put LOVE into ACTION:

Lesson 1 – Master Key Revealed
Lesson 2 – Internal Soul Compass
Lesson 3 – Finding Your Treasure Chest
Lesson 4 – Invitation and Intention

For those of you who are new here ...
Just a little about me

It was 2002 when I drove into the desert Lands of Uluṟu with the sole intent of setting myself free. I had been working as a Psychiatric Nurse which was intense. After 13 years in the mental Health industry, I was just not seeing enough CHANGE. So as Nelson Mandela once said, ‘BE THE CHANGE.’
I arrived home from my ‘long drive’ to a new me…the Gratitude Diary was born!
Sometimes we need to just throw caution to the wind and follow her to a new place. A place where our own mysteries are revealed. Since then there have been many rabbit holes of self exploration, deepening my commitment to living this life FULLY with JOY as my sidekick. 
And for fun – I now mentor others in creating stuff, self-publishing and the refined art of letting go.
Melanie Spears Behind Tree



Love from Clients

“I was going through a BIG vibrational shift when Melanie Spears came into my life – by total serendipity (of course!).

Within 5 minutes of interacting with Melanie, I knew. I’ve found my new teacher (a label she dislikes…which makes me LOVE her even more).

Melanie brings wisdom, humility, grace, magic, passion and vulnerability to her work. She bravely faces the dark AND the light and holds many keys for those of us on the lifelong path of transformation.”

Benay Dyor

CEO, Universal Coaching Systems

The impact this has on my day, and my life, has been a miracle

“I was instantly drawn to the Gratitude Diary’s beauty and magical energy from the minute I laid eyes on it. The diary quickly became part of my morning ritual, writing down the things I’m grateful for in my life and setting my intention for each day. The impact this has on my day, and my life, has been a miracle. I now live each day with peace, calmness and a grateful heart, and with so much gratitude to Melanie Spears for her creation and sharing her soul’s purpose with me.”

Michelle Adams

CEO & Founder of Marvel Marketing

Learning from the Diary

Previous Worksheets

Worksheet 1 – Download

Worksheet 2 – Download

Worksheet 3 – Download

Worksheet 4 – Download

2022 Presentation

Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et. Donec sed odio dui. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Maecenas faucibus mollis interdum.

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Master Key Series

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