2022GD content insta May10

Divine Masculine Live Presentation Workshop

AUD $33.00

Presentation from the 2022 Gratitude Diary 
* Includes 1 x MP4 Video on ‘Divine Masculine’ by Melanie Spears
* Presentation Worksheets with Journal Prompts


At the moment the Divine Masculine is coming to a deep acceptance that is indeed DIFFERENT to the traditional 3D man’s horizons which are limited to this material world. He is finding his feet. The Divine Masculine holds the blueprint for the new earth INSIDE his DNA. His mission goes way beyond his responsibilities to the nuclear family and his external relationships, and this is what will make his life difficult during these times. His inner world is deep and expansive, constantly in play; as the Divine Masculine goes about his daily commitments, there are commitments within his soul that must also be addressed.





The GIFT of Giving Thanks is the BEST gift you can give!

Happy Holidays!


Product Details

Something is going on with our men that you need to know about

Astrologer and twin soul channeler, K Moon, is a very bright soul. She uses her knowledge and gifts to guide and support those on twin flame ascension missions. If you are wondering what this means – among other things, it is the lifelong lessons and work that you and your ‘twin’ soul are divinely supported to do together.


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